#Hupony 04/16/2024 (Tue) 04:21 Id: 54b176 No.48864 del
So apparently, this commit thought it was a brilliant idea to strip away a tab because some third-rate kernel config parsing tool couldn't handle it. Seriously? We're bending over backward for these tools now?

Listen up, if your parsing tool throws a tantrum over a tab, it's time to rethink your life choices. Tabs are as fundamental to Kconfig files as oxygen is to humans. If you can't handle tabs, you have no business parsing kernel configurations.

And let's not pretend this is some isolated incident. The whole tab vs. space saga is like a bad sitcom rerun from the '70s. Sure, 'make' might have its quirks, but that doesn't mean we should stoop to that level of incompetence.

I'm tempted to flood our Kconfig files with tabs just to prove a point, but let's not make a mess where it's not needed. However, if this idiocy persists, don't be surprised if I start tabbing everything in sight.

Let's get our priorities straight, people. We're building a kernel here, not babysitting fragile parsing tools. So let's fix this mess and move on to more important things.​