Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 09:46 Id: f1aeb3 No.49620 del
(564.90 KB 2337x2688 F9nUtIKbYAELtRK.jpg)
Well Goddamn it, have something I can talk to you about, you fuck!


What? No, why would- Tamamo! TAMAMO, Weeb, think about it! Think about why that's a fitting name for what I'm talking about!

More like I've been cut out, but I'm not complaining.
Either way yeah.
I've joined a new Discord group and it's been funny to watch them go from introductions and making sure no one was racist or homophobic, to bullying out the sensitive types, and opening calling each other nigger faggots, and making fun of each other for being fags and half breeds.