Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 10:00 Id: f1aeb3 No.49934 del
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Between you posting Rio, and まい cosplaying Rio and everything else I want to fuck I'm going to actually fucking break.
Yeah, that's what sucks about advice, you can really only suggest what worked for you. Again I thank you.
He's insane. His body is a machine, that turns garbage into watched anime.

Yeah, he was actually the one that told me about that YEARS ago, and constantly tried to convince me to convert my Saiga, and finally get it taking AK furniture, and AK mags, telling me that cool green furniture was an option.
Not this one, by this dude and his site, but the green AK celebratory one.
Just find it interesting years and years later I'll finally have, at least partially, done the deed. Half way there.

You think Hu will get that reference or nah?