Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 10:10 Id: f1aeb3 No.49939 del
(845.76 KB 1267x1692 GBKrqnwaUAAMSha.jpg)
Inshallah I hope you stub your fucking dick in a door jam, you fucking cock wrangling mother fu-
Linear algebra still stickin' it to ya eh? I hope this time it's still going way better for you.

No shit eh? God I'd be clawing at my skin in your position.
Wouldn't care what my [REDACTED] looked like, I'd be trying my rizz on all of em, especially if they looked anything even remotely like まい.

If only.

Damn, poor bastard.

This guys stuff is great, his shorts got really popular, but his actual videos like this are cool.