Mot 07/09/2024 (Tue) 08:11 Id: fffdc3 No.59895 del
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Besides hardware modding, I think the GameCube can be but not sure how early it was. But yeah since the Wii, it seems all their consoles have found a way to be hacked. Xbox and Playstations have it too, but seems like they've always been harder to penetrate. I'm probably wrong though as I never paid as much attention to those two. Might try to hack my PS3 and PS4 at some point.
Also if I remember right, the methods they tried for the 3DS to prevent all that ended up doing the opposite.
That's good. Though the account I had that good draw on, that I'm sure doesn't matter anymore, hasn't seemed to work since last December. Can't tell if they actually found a way to ban me or what.