Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 00:36 Id: eaccb3 No.60211 del
(679.73 KB 2836x2079 GR_R80BaMAISi--.jpg)
Okay, good.

Are you sure? Are certain of that? Hmm...
What about it? Place seems pretty based with all the fucking ASSHOLES COMING HERE IN DROVES. FUCK OFF. WE'RE FULL.
Ain't it a bitch? Ain't it annoying when people do that?
Sick of games, Mot.
The former is an associates program, the latter is basically an apprenticeship, yeah. In fact some of them outright call it that (but some of them also REQUIRE the associates/bachelor degree to even get in the door, we'll see if my shitty CNC certs/Manufacturing Ind. Tech one qualifies at all, though they don't seem impressed by it as is) but yeah basically.