Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 04:50 Id: eaccb3 No.60244 del
(686.74 KB 2304x4096 GR5FZWkbYAAOExz.jpg)
ひみつ or 秘密 if you want the kanji. Or シイクレット if you're just feelin' lazy.
Usually by this time I try to spend less time indoors to acclimatize myself. It still sucks, but it becomes less unbearable. Basically, expose yourself little by little to more of it, and drink lots, and it doesn't kill you.
But honestly, I hate it.

That is bizarre, any idea why you're in that kind of space?
Damn that was such a good song, and music video back in the day.

We'll go with that. There's no way I was keeping up with that joke anyway.