Mot 07/11/2024 (Thu) 05:35 Id: fffdc3 No.60248 del
(125.41 KB 850x1237 1694459602793278.jpg)
You saw that one coming.
At least someone does.
>chew my air before I breath it
Can't say I felt this, then again I have asthma so maybe it's natural to me. Then again they say moving to a place like Arizona would be beneficial to me. Either way, I should just stop bringing it up.

How is the gatekeeping the next step after gaslighting? I'm not even sure how those two correlate. Can you do both? Can you gaslight to gatekeep? I guess if you make someone think they're going crazy then it does gatekeep in a way.
I feel like I should have an answer to this, but I don't. I usually don't care for music videos, but I'm almost sure there's one I go back to at times. Though if anything the Money for Nothing video i neat. Like watching a N54/PS1 tech demo.
