#Hupony 07/17/2024 (Wed) 11:29 Id: 413ca1 No.61673 del
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Yeah. It's also known as having a hobby.
yes Spec, I first typed that with P's
Beer can easily substitute for wine. Wine are all sour, and some are dry too. Beer tastes widely different. IPA or weiss for fish, beats white wine anytime. And something stronger for a heavy meal, such as the the Rocheforts, definitely fits better than red wine.
I'll try out the 8 as well. Though price really doesn't matter for me, as long as it's reasonable. And by that, I mean the price is sorta reasonable and not like the Westvleteren 12 or Carlsberg Rubedo.

You too will eventually become a man!

Go link that thread the next time this one reaches post limit~

I got friends though. you guys
and one other IRL friend
Honestly, I'm very happy that I'm not at work. It wouldn't at all surprise me if it was. But we'll see. Maybe someone will mention something when I'm visiting parents this weekend for some beer brewing and beer tasting