#Hupony 08/25/2024 (Sun) 12:30 Id: f1db68 No.68668 del
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July's shipment; beer number 32.
This experimental brew features cactus ficus and agave sirup. As with number 31, the beer should be best-served cold, and in a regular lager glass.

The ale looks bright orange and leaves a nice head for a beer that most of all looks like a light ale.

It's smell leaves no real impression and most of all just makes you feel silly. After all, you wouldn't smell a regular Carlsberg either. You'd only look insane, and that's how this one makes you feel as well.

Just like its smell, the taste doesn't leave a lasting impression either. Its taste is humble, neither tasting of hops nor of malt. There's a slight hint of something fruity, but nothing like you can get out of a proper fruity or sour beer. All in all, it really just tastes like a light ale where the brewer has done everything to kill any kinds of flavour you usually expect from a beer.
I suppose it could best be compared to drinking the juices of a very moisty and flavourless fruit, which juices is squeezed into a glass.
I'm sure the beer could be considered a healthy substitute for most sodas and other beverages, yet with a VOL of a whole 6.3%, it wouldn't be able to.

The experimental brews may be one time things, as experiments are all they are. And I'm certain this one won't get brewed again