Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 14:59 Id: 72ba36 No.69887 del
(3.11 MB 1821x2433 122078545_p0.jpg)
Not particularly.
True, but based on the trailer her personality isn't really my type either.
I noticed this thing called "Project KV" getting teased on twitter for a couple weeks now, and it seems there was finally a bigger reveal. At first I just saw Japs on twitter dunking on it for being a huge rip off of BA, literally just with swords instead of guns. The art style is incredibly similar, the plot is identical, multiple of the girls look incredibly similar to BA girls, the music is similar, THEY EVEN HAVE THE FUCKING HALOS! [Embed]
But as it turns out, pretty much all of the staff listed for the game are just major people who worked on BA. Two of the main artists and yes, one of them is Mx2j, the Hasumi artist the main writer, and the main composer.
So basically this is BA's equivalent of Arknights/PGR.