Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 15:47 Id: 72ba36 No.69907 del
(1.22 MB 1610x2286 GWdloSYasAAmj2P.jpg)
I am not sure what you are trying to say as that was exactly my point. In this analogy KV is analogous to Arknights and PGR, with BA being analogous to GFL and Honakai in this analogy. Therefore, KV is the equivalent to BA of what Arknights is to GFL, and what PGR is to Honkai. I used PGR as the example from Kuro because it came first and is what the devs worked on immediately after leaving Mihoyo.
Its a tradition at this point.

It does seem like KV is going to be more of a coomer game than BA.