Mot 09/04/2024 (Wed) 07:30 Id: a0b887 No.70098 del
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Oh I see now, they changed the game up with Jane. Kind of throws a screw into things, but guess that's how things are. Do you have Grace or Piper?
I still need to go through 50 for the guaranteed S, which will be Jane. Though I guess I must have somehow done three single pulls because it actually says 47, but I don't remember doing it. I ran out of rolls so I should probably do what I can to make up some more.
>he used his residual signals on master tapes

I'm sure you do.

Besides type casting, I feel as if they're only either really good at the roll they've been doing so they're just really mediocre actors but it's too late to find someone else, or they just don't feel like doing it anymore after going so long with the same roll.