Mot 09/10/2024 (Tue) 07:30 Id: a0b887 No.70413 del
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Maybe they learned with Genshin. Huh, that is a lot of reruns. Isn't the game just over a year old now?
I think I have some from logging on a few times for free rolls, but not sure since I can't see it. Reminds me I should have been doing the same with Helldivers. Not a gacha game, but has in-game missions that are global where when complete you get free in-game currency.
Now I just need to level up all my characters. Especially because I forgot going to 40 raised all the enemy levels up too.
Are they? Only gacha experience I have is GBF, and they had plenty of males from the start. Probably helped that Lyria is your unofficial in-game wife too. Like Belle/Rin.
Surprised ZZZ hasn't even done a male banner yet at all.
>I do want Ellen dupes, especially to get the profile banner of her naked, but I want new characters more
The pain of a non-whale gacha player. But same.