Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 10:53 Id: 45a861 No.71129 del
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I wasn't even talking about blackmail, that goes right back under the torture section actually... inclusivity as a motivator only insofar that you still have to have a significant predilection to the action being asked of you. For instance, you would have likely sought out this particular group, and your motivations are way more overtly inline with their cause than you give credit for. This is something just immediately identifiable and examinable within yourself, name the times you've fallen susceptible to a cult, and then think about the times you've seen others fall victim to a cult, and how the events actually transpired. Was it really MERELY the stage of belonging that gets them in reaaaallly deep, or do they bait you with it, and then hook you with higher level gratification of needs till you seed command power over you?
Like look, if it was merely belonging and inclusion, we could solve gangs and cults tomorrow, think this through slightly more.
>You are trying to justify people getting peer pressured into becoming trannies, because "that was just their true self :)"
In essence, yes. My justification is that legitimate gender dysphoria, and sexual confusion ARE a thing. This does not predicate that transitioning them is the correct answer, merely that the inherent, albeit inert idea, can be activated or abused, or even seeded BEYOND the point it should have, detrimentally.
Surpassing any kind of course correction, or actual psychotherapy that could have gone in the entire other direction to fortify a more stable self identity.