Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 12:03 Id: 45a861 No.71176 del
(291.10 KB 1470x2048 GScvlKnXoAAyiEo.jpg)
You kinda implied it at least. If individuals are this programable to lack agency entirely, and being wholly inception'd with ideas, then what's the difference between that, and lacking free-will at all?
>You seem to want to interpret everything I say in absolutist terms.
Yeah but actually lol because it slightly annoys you, and I'm not actually willing to put forth brain effort into making nuanced arguments about the topic right now. My mind is literally floating elsewhere, and just kinda using this as a distraction. So for right now simple is nice, because I don't actually give a fuck, and if I get called a chaser one more time I might actually snap.
Well, yeah.

The difference between smoking and drinking the ashtray is p-big babe.
It's a thing, tho. Actually the last cheap shitty one I had tasted like fruitloops, and I kinda hated it.

Ah, yes, I'm feeling the urge to spread the gay cancer already.

Okay but unironically. The iron itself doesn't call a man to violence, but fuck me if I haven't heard the call of what actually does.