Mot 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:30 Id: d37df2 No.71422 del
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What's interesting is I've heard this same tale just in different ways, but the core concept is all the same. Basically something like "I see you're doing x. So do y so you can end up doing x." Sometimes the person is already working but the other person tells them to try to make a whole company of what so he can do what he's already doing.

>Reminds me of a certain Slovenian Jew who does not show up to watch sumo and probably is kidnapped by Kurd terrorists.
Who? The supposed owner of the site?

Life is sad, but sometimes glad.
I'll add you when I'm not lazy.
She's a hamster though. Cute enough for me, thinking she'll just be the 4* on Camellya's banner.