Mot 09/18/2024 (Wed) 09:41 Id: d37df2 No.71432 del
(1.21 MB 1080x1080 1724652239748281.webm)
Which one is the CBT1 design? The left or the middle? Gonna take her bow away to bully her.
Also had a completely different personality too. But now she's cuter now that she's retarded.
Not good for me but was late to the game. Danjin might not be 5* but she's still fun to play.

>different mindsets
The first time I heard it I thought it was more about not worrying about making it big if you were still enjoying your life. Considering it has different iterations, it makes a bit more sense in those terms.
>I wouldn't be surprised.
Eh? You had someone else in mind?