Mot 09/25/2024 (Wed) 04:32 Id: 6a01fe No.72336 del
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Might be for the best.

Think you misunderstood what I meant.

>bizarre specific type of swab post surgery
A fucking what now? How do you even get in this situation?

It things like these where I wonder if every account has a separate seed, or if it's all just pure coincidence.
I'm almost sure you have to spend more for a spark. They do seem to shit out crystals in GBF, but as you said you still need to save longer. Though they have a few events where you could get lucky and get 1/3rd of a spark(30000 crystals).
Not even to mention that GBF has some really limited characters that are holiday specials.
And the fact Cygames are the ones that even had to create a spark/pity system after someone spent 6000 yen on trying to get the monkey.