Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 01:56 Id: ce48db No.72455 del
The actual universe itself was the cool part of D1 to me. It was threadbare until the Dark Below with how much was cut or scrapped but got interesting when they started giving a little bit of answers. D2's constant use of OC DONUT STEEL tier characters just made it all the worse. The answers given starting in Rise of Iron all got stupid quick. In D1, all the random Fallen houses you only encountered in very limited areas (like the Kings only being at the one door that House of Wolves would open) and limited info from finding the random Ghosts was kind of annoying but neat to track down. D2 just kills them all and says "here's the good ones and here's the bad ones". There's still not an answer of how the fuck Shin Malphur became a Guardian without dying or never dying since. That's a neat mystery but it's always just about the literal faggot Osiris and Saint.