Bernd 12/27/2018 (Thu) 14:17:23 No.21648 del
>Not relevant.
It is, since forests of north were big issue for typical steppe army and I dont remember them dying by shitting their pants.

It's also relevant, since the army was highly mobile, not infantry core slow army, german army was highly motorised and mobile but unfit for winter war doctrine.

I get that russia wasnt strong as much as soviets, but nazi army shot its foot before soviet russia pulled the trigger. And I don't say mongols win therebefore germans would automatically win, I'm just stating the facts that analyze from the situation, so solely declaring war during winter is not equal to flat out dominating victory for germans.

>So, Stalingrad x10
stalingard is not soviet's communication and transportation center. Japans didn't state they would join the war if stalingrad has fallen. Stalingrad does not have soviet central electrical power grid. Stalingrad didn't have hoarded grain (though they would most likely burn it out of desperation)

Also taking the communication means you cannot force many other sovoks to fight for USSR meanwhile taking stalingrad does not really offer such benefit. Also focusing on moscow means no need to seperate the eastern army into 3.

>knowledge both French and German generals lacked
I highly doubt old prussian elite didn't know this, in fact I don't doubt I'm really sure half of generalstaff refuse it. As for french, I have to remind you during revolution lots of invaluable frenchmen which includes officers tasted the cold steel.

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