Bernd 01/02/2019 (Wed) 10:02:05 No.21948 del
>Like you I don't say soviets wouldnt attack, I just think they would try to guarantee their victory by waiting.

I don't think that anyone in pre-WW2 times expected that waiting may help. Germany grew stronger in time, especially after occupation of Europe. More time passed, more industry and integration will appear in occupied zones. Same with USSR, if Germany will wait, Union became stronger after army reforms.

Soviet historiography said that war was inevitable because historical rules etc, and maybe they were right. Waiting was risky.

Although all this is very debatable. Maybe starting war against USSR in 39 would be better for Germany, maybe war would be completely avoided if Hitler stopped for few years, and other unexpected things would happen etc. At least we've seen that warlike situation in 50s (until ICBM became thing) didn't end in war, even when both sides thought about this.

It is very hard to theorize about this realistically.