Bernd 02/06/2019 (Wed) 19:41:59 No.23049 del
>Slowly generations who lived in the communist era will start to die out, and only those remain who were born after the collapse. Since they will only know the current system they won't have nostalgic feelings toward the SU. On the other hand they could gain an idealized, glorified picture of CCCP which has not much common with the reality.

It already works as in second case - the most pro-Soviet people are people who didn't really lived in USSR and have some strange utopian image of it. Of course there are pensioners who still think about "old times", but they aren't really USSR-lovers as media portrays them.

And modern state of the world also brings questions, i.e. if everything is going into unfunny shit (especially Europe, that was beacon of good life for Russians for ages), it is attractive to question current system (i.e. globalistic capitalism) and support some alternative. USSR is the closest alternative thing that average Russian (and not only Russian) could imagine.