Bernd 04/09/2019 (Tue) 22:12:11 No.24648 del
>Tell a Baiano joke pls.
A baiano on a hammock asks his friend:
-My king [typical greeting]... do you have any medicine for snake bites?
-I don't. Why do you ask? Did you get bitten?
-No, but there's a snake moving in my direction.

Two baianos are in hammocks. One of them asks the other:
-My king, is my fly open?
-Then I'll pee tomorrow.

Sunday morning. Baiano newlyweds sit on the sofa and the pregnant wife knits a woolen shirt for her baby. She pokes her husband and asks:
-Honey, please go to the pharmacy and buy me some Thalidomide, I'm too tired to knit the sleeves.

Four baianos rob a bank and park their car a few km ahead of it. One of them asks the gang's boss:
-So, are we going to count the money?

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