Bernd 06/02/2019 (Sun) 07:16:06 No.26844 del
I wanted to make a little review about the Hungarian crowning mantle not just because it's an amazing piece of artwork but it has some interesting anomalies. So I started to "research" the topic, especially wanted to find a book nowadays used as the standard description of the mantle and it's history - now I see I won't find it online tho -, and I came across an article by the same author where he talks about the other coronation insignias. He says some interesting things about the Crown, some of which might even sound heretical among historians who research the Crown, but it's very compelling what he wrote. But there is one detail which makes it impossible for me to believe...
So I'll return to the Crown for a little because it also has some more interesting details and anomalies, beside the very conspicuous slanty cross on the top.

Not sure when will I finish the whole thing.