Bernd 06/21/2019 (Fri) 12:12:35 No.27472 del
hěnchī X. 很吃X "It eats X". It requires X. X is a personal skill or luck.
yěshì zuìle. 也是醉了. "I am also drunk". It's saying that the poor performance of the other guy makes the speaker drunk. Originated in mainland.
rénshè. 人設. "Character design". Originally a job in Japanese manga production. It meant to design a character's appearance and personality. Chinese industry appropriated the term for managing the tv stars' images.
xiǎoqī. 小七. "Little seven". The franchise convenience store.
bākù. 巴庫. Back. From Japanese from English.
Asobi. The gap between machine parts. From Japanese.
jiàn liè xīn xǐ. 見獵心喜. I really don't know what this means. I thought it means "getting excited when you see your hunting target or opponent's weakness". But on dictionary it says "recalling the good memory when you see someone doing things (hunting) you used to like". From Classical Chinese.
美國時間. "American time". Leisure time or available time. Used only in negative context "I don't have American time for this."

This are just off my head.