Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 20:26:39 No.31828 del
"N'è falendi l'aria" lit. "The air is falling", when it's raining a lot
"Ni fai falà la mazza" lit. "You make my stomach fall", when someone is annoying you
"Piddhanni capu" lit. "to take the head", to understand something which implicitly is not easy
"Mancu a carri macinata" lit. "not even as minced meat", when someone/something is of the worst quality possible
"No v'è vessu" lit. "there is no direction/way", basically means impossible
"Andà come la pulvara/fà l'isciuta di la pulvara" lit. "to go like the dust/to get out like the dust", to go to ruins, to vanish, used in the imperative to mean "get out of my face"
"Anda e fatti un brodu" lit. "go and make yourself a broth", used in the imperative typically when someone is saying something you find preposterous/ridiculous