Bernd 11/15/2019 (Fri) 19:40:30 No.32181 del
(117.87 KB 620x387 Churchill Up Yours.jpg)
>What sources do you base your claims
Which claims?

>It was poverty and famine.
>Hitler's economic policies were super successful and raised the living standards
>So which is it?
It was poverty and famine and then super successful Hitler's economic policies that raised the living standard

>Providing red herrings/whataboutisms: >>32055
>Winston the spendaholic
Yes the guy that declares war gets ONE MILLION POUND STERLING for what exactly and from whom?
Totally irrelevant you try to suggest?

I mean, he just totally destroyed the Empire and impoverished his country and handed over everything of worth on a silver platter to the USA.

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