Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 05:46:02 No.35313 del
You are expecting me to tell idiots to calm down? That's pissing into the wind my friend.

The shops are full, but can you afford the food inside.

After the 2008 recession, things got tight, jobs lost and welfare barely scraped what you needed. Now take into account that this virus KILLS BOOMERS. Boomers still hold all the money, run the businesses and hold the important jobs. Not only are boomers too afraid to buy anything which sinks the economy but without young blood to readily replace them the top layer of infrastructure gets wiped away which is a major economic disruption.
I predict it's going to get far rougher than retards emptying shelves of food, that's just a sign of how bad things are going to get due to panic.