Bernd 08/08/2020 (Sat) 08:54:33 No.39101 del
(157.20 KB 500x500 Volga-Kama.png)
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(31.20 KB 867x933 Belaya_basin.png)
Next river in the line is a left bank tributary of the Volga, the Kama. It's his ancient name, Udmurts call it Kam = "river". For added fun it was also called Etil by Turkic people, sometimes differentiate between the two by calling them white river (Kama) and black river (Volga).
And we arrived to a left bank tributary of the Kama, the Belaja = white. It runs through Bashkiria, and they call it Agizel in Turkic, which also means "white river".