Bernd 08/18/2020 (Tue) 16:22:09 No.39349 del
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Finished 3 games recently

1) Mirror's edge - Was a decent game that visually looks good to this day. It has a unique concept but it was sadly rushed to be completed by EA, so it feels like things are missing in the game. It also isn't so long

2) Castlevania: Circle of the moon - A good entry level Castlevania game for anyone who hasn't ever played it. I may play Symphony of the Night afterwards because of thos

3) Spec Ops: the Line - Great shooter game. Accurately shows how soldiers deal with the effects of PTSD. Things that happen in the story will go from bad to worse the more you play it. You do more war crimes that you can count, and you do things you wish you didn't Also, most of the things that happen could be imagined by the main character due to his PTSD condition