Bernd 09/06/2020 (Sun) 12:57:25 No.39849 del
Back to the subject, you cannot change mindsets of people, because technological process itself forms and influences it. It's not mindset to blame, because mindset is just a consequence, not the reason.

Let's begin from the start:
1. Technology restricts our freedom. Your life depends on power generated miles away, on water given to you miles away you have no control over if they fail. You can't step away from pedestrian line while walking except for specific areas, you are tracked, recorded, you have unwritten requirements for successful existence, such as having a car, a phone, fake-happy social networks to prove you are able to communicate with other people. Any "violation" is condemned.

2. Technology must encapsulate all the resources and be distributed among people for successful advancement, i.e globalism and all what comes from it: culture mixing, everything dumbed down for lowest common denominator, etc.

3. Technology must ensure all cogs function effectively. For this to happen we all must be the same, because homogenic mass is most easy to control. You see our race, biological differences, sex, cultural differences being eradicated. SJWs and progressives just play the role of useful idiots in exchange of power they get for imposing such moral standards to the rest of people, but it is the system that benefits from it directly.

Moreover, when people get frustrated with impossibly high moral standards they are being imposed with, SJWs and progressives take all the blame, while technology slowly keeps pushing the exact same thing behind the curtain.

There must be no nepotism, no violence, and you see it today as every notable case of such is being actively socially condemned, while most people won't give a fuck who did what otherwise.

4. Technological system makes people powerless, frustrated. It puts huge amounts of stress, and then makes advancements to raise the plank of stress a single person can take. It suppresses any violent outbursts, is a reason of most mental illnesses there are, it approves SSRIs and normalizes mentally ill behavior.

4. Technology induces capitalism and capitalism induces technology. Everything we own, eat, drink and do depends on technology in this or that way.

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