09/29/2020 (Tue) 06:04:00
>>40360They usually add something liek: "military ruling class", or how Holcombe wrote:
"armored horseāriding warrior elites".
The role of a dux was military leader in Roman times, the rex emerged beside and over, again as a military leader, so the second part of the first is more than "much like", could be a whole new point on its own right.
Furthering the communist example, the leading class is the party elite, who always talked about themselves as "the vanguard of the revolution", basically as a fighting unit. Their rhetoric went even further in this combative manner, talking about "peace fight" and "defending the peace" and stuff like that.
>Absolutism>FranceI think Louis XIV did a lot of effort to dissolve the feudalism in France, his efforts were lacking somewhat tho.