Bernd 10/01/2020 (Thu) 19:06:26 No.40411 del
>The education was very theologian it is not science at all.
I do not know what you do not understand, I thought I wrote it clear.
I was writing about a process that started in the Early Medieval, went on through many hundreds of years and led to the modernity: scholasticism -> universities -> science. I never wrote anywhere they did science in 600 AD. They did come up with critical thinking tho. They preserved and chiseled rhetoric, logic, and mathematics among others. It's not liek all those monks were sitting around at the playground, stirring their own piss in the sand, eating cat poo, until the Crusaders came home and dropped a papyrus just looted in the Levant onto one of their head and they came up with gravity.
All those antique works they "rediscovered" in renaissance was available to Byzantine and Muslim thinkers, nothing they could build out of it. Science of modern age grew out not from the stuff they imported from the Middle East, not from renaissance, but from the universities. And universities were built on the monastic schools along scholasticism, who already used philosophical works of the antiquity without wanting to resurrect the past or turn back time (like how renaissance did).
>there is a reason for that you know. the blame does not come out of thin air.
All the situation of those time originates from the antiquity. Everything went sideways back then, not during the Middle Ages. By the time of Jesus they were impotent. What they could produce AD? A Seneca, a Marcus Aurelius (both of whom basically just said: everything is shit we should suffer in silence), and a Galen.
>it took 1000 year to recover
And who did that recovering? Hardworking Catholic monks and theologians, starting in the Dark Ages. Not to mention all those renaissance dudes were religious as fugg. Thomas Moore is a Catholic saint for Christ's sake... Who founded all those universities? The Catholic Church. Besides the Catholic Church dumped a lot of money to finance renaissance artists.