03/26/2021 (Fri) 13:14:25
9. so I threw a couple more sticks in there, but ofc the tea was ready quick
10. thinly veiled "Hungary white" photo
11. the whole thing is ready; the hastily whittled stirring stick, a naked piece of hazel; right next to it the stick I hanged to pot from, there's a notch where the cordage holds it
12. the remains of the fire; was large smoke, larger than I expected, I made sure to pick dry sticks, still I saw a green one there, weird; even weirder that smoked the less, oh well
So that's it. Main concern is the way I could feed the fire. The pot is really in the way. Maybe a larger fire is easier to handle, I could just shove the firewood on the sides in without bothering much of their placement.