Bernd 05/24/2021 (Mon) 11:47:04 No.43777 del
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I finally finished that book.
I'm certain the question of Chad cannot be understand without stepping out of her borders and look at the picture integrated in the region she belongs. And not the artificial "Central Africa" region which takes her out of the context from her organic place, where the geographical circumstances and historical developments tied her into.
I also think conflict is a natural state of human beans, I wouldn't go that far to call periods of standstills (like we have now in Europe) abnormal, but certain circumstances need to be in effect to force such times onto us.
So while I think these artificial African countries should be dissolved, ending civil wars, it would not end the conflicts. The struggle would go on as part of the state formation, but it would result in more organic countries, and nation states. Things which belong would grow together, and divide which aren't.
But today they expect from these fake nations they created at the end of the colonial period to be "nationalistic" and band together and deny their ethnic and religious ties bridging over these artificial countries, and somehow be invested in maintaining these multicultural entities as if it would be a desirable thing.
Why are they fighting in Africa? It's an eternal human thing to do. But the direct reason why they are fighting now? This is pretty much how the ex-colonialists set up.