Bernd 05/24/2021 (Mon) 16:17:02 No.43780 del
There is federalization, uniting certain micro-nations along certain criterion.
And I'm not convinced that all of them need states anyway. In the southern region of Chad, those guys lived in stateless societies (they didn't even had chiefdoms and tribes) until France made the are into their colony in 1900. There is no evidence of major violence between those guys in those times, but they were victims of the rising slaver states of the Sahel region. Then France ruled with violence, and surprisingly they found the best material for the military and administration (and ofc workforce) in those southern people, and not the northern who had a history of statehood. And now they form the real basis of the state (literacy was 60-80 in the South, while in the North could be as low as 3-5%), and started as the driving force of the independent Chad, while the Northerners were all salty. Interesting fate.