Bernd 08/20/2021 (Fri) 15:21:57 No.44805 del
(145.98 KB 549x645 stephanus-and-emeric.jpg)
Second Book of Law:
1. royal benefaction to the Church (every 10 village has to build a church and provide for them)
2. inheritance of royal benefaction (upgrading beneficium to feudum)
3. about slaves, and murderer of slaves (in case of a slave killing a slave of other, the master of the slave have to pay reimbursement, or sell the slave a share the price)
4. about slaves who murdered free (the master have to pay many cattle, or hand over the slave)
5. about freeing slaves of others (pay fine in the form of slaves)
6. about thieving slaves (fist occasion: give back the stolen goods, and pay five cattle or lose his nose; on second occasion come the ears; on third occasion he should die)
7a. about thieving freemen (if can pay for himself, if not he has to be enslaved, from here see the previous point)
7b. repeaters should face the same terms, but on third occasion have to be executed
8. about embezzlement (comes' have to pay double what they embezzled)
9. baseless appeal to the king (pay fine)
10. about the tyranny of the comes (he has to pay back double)
11. about lies (a specific one, if someone lies that the present he gave was taken from him by force, he has to pay it once more)
12. about the unsheathing the sword (die by the same sword)
13. about maiming (with the sword; suffer the same maiming)
14. about wounding (with the sword; pay the fine defined at murder)
15. about the simple unsheathing (not even wounding; pay the fine defined at murder)

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