Bernd 01/13/2022 (Thu) 21:43:05 No.46104 del
(30.40 KB 467x584 cat_named_gav.jpg)

Looks very close to Russian version, but some differences exist. I don't know how to transliterate everything properly to latin script to preserve sounds though:

dog - gav-gav (гав-гав)
cat - miau (мяу)
mouse has no specific sound, just squeak
horse - igogo (игого)
donkey - ia (иа)
pig - khryu-khryu (хрю-хрю)
hen - kud-kud-kudakh (куд-куд-кудах), or just kud-kudakh
rooster - kukareku (кукареку). Hard to miss this word in Russian internet for specific reasons.
chicken also has no specific named sound
sheep - beee (беee) or meee (меее). Both sounds may be used for goats, some people think that beee is for goats and meee is for sheeps, but there is no strong rule.
cow - muu or moo (му)
goose - ga-ga (га-га)
bird - chick-chirick (чик-чирик), depending on bird, crows have different sound (kar-kar)

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