Bernd 07/03/2022 (Sun) 09:34:39 No.48125 del
About filler subjects, I used to think the same but now I wonder.
I studied computer science and I had philosophy and some social thing science and I kind of enjoyed it. Its like it was engaging different part of your brain, teachers weren't harsh on us, so we could relax a bit there while still gaining some knowledge. Not directly related to computer science ofc but might be still useful (since as an engineer you're probably still going to be dealing with other people), and even if this isn't the case it might be helping you grow as a person in other areas. People do philosophy all the time since everyone nowadays needs to have opinion on everything, so might as well get some education to do it slightly better. Even my proffessors of purely technical subjects would do that, like my algorithm teacher lecturing us that yeah we should ban people from driving once we get automated cars good enough since it kills less people and therefore it is moral thing to do.
I think the idea is, and I can get behind it, that people with higher education should be above the ordinary men and not just a specialised worker in a company. Therefore this education should include broader topics, to sort of make you more into this renessaince man. I think it'd be beneficial if both students and their teachers didn't think about those subjects as fillers.