Bernd 08/19/2022 (Fri) 22:37 No.48511 del
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>It's sad to see so many guns and tanks kept outdoors like that

These things are relatively weatherproof. Rust isn't big problem because metal is thick and may last for centuries, and guns wouldn't be used anyway. About bronze ones: as far as I know, this green oxide layer is good for preserving bronze.

Although main reason is "there is no other place to store them" of course. Especially when most of modern artillery isn't rare.

>That's a big mortar on the left.

It's M-240 mortar. Tracked version is known as Tulpan.

>The left vehicle: are those windshields painted green?

It is metal sheet too. I guess it is used for museum purposes. Vehicle is Temp-S (NATO SS-12).

>Now this is entirely new to me. Any info on how it should have worked?

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