Bernd 09/24/2022 (Sat) 22:27 No.48786 del
(492.14 KB 512x512 Endchan.png)
(561.07 KB 512x512 Ebin.png)
(446.46 KB 512x512 KC Tier.png)
(481.29 KB 512x512 Spurdo Sparde.png)
I wonder where "Krautchan" looks from. The flamingoes (?) at the front don't fit the climate.

"Endchan" seems to come from some specific set of characters, I guess someone on the weeb boards could identify them. "Ebin" must've been mistaken for a place name. "KC tier" is a video game advertisement on a magazine. "Spurdo Sparde" at least guessed that it was meant to be a fluffy mammal.