Bernd 02/12/2023 (Sun) 15:33 No.49782 del
I don't think I ever listened a Black Sabbath album in full. I have respect to the forerunner metal bands, but besides Deep Purple (one album) never neither, not even Iron Maiden. Someone said, once you listened thrash, crossover, hc, and the like, it is not easy to sit through some middle tempo metal. Lotsa truth in that, luckily there are other stuff that's even slower, but pure awesomeness, so there is always hope. Anyway tuning in to Sabbat, I picked Paranoid, because I knew I was familiar with some of the songs. Oh boy, turned out almost all.

1. War Pigs/Luke's Wall
I knew this song ofc.
Awesome intro, ingenious. Not so good when the vocals start however. It's a bit downer, but then it picks it up again. Very pleasant twirls on the drums, and shifts, great solos. Longest song of the album, not boring at any point. Oh Lowdye'!
2. Paranoid
Now this one, so classic I'm bored to death by it by now.
Simple riff, quite monotone, not even 3 minutes, still feels long. The vocals is more like weird chanting. To be honest the weakest part of the album is Ozzy.
This one has a Hungarian cover with invented lyrics, that's fun, and gave it a new breath for a while.
3. Planet Caravan
I have heard this song too, was very familiar. I bet this was covered by someone somewhere too.
Chill one. Slow. Some hand thumped percussion?
4. Iron Man
Classic this one too, ofc I knew it. Well known riff. Cool solo. In the outro the bass unexpectedly gets accentuated, and loud.
5. Electric Funeral
This one is not unknown either. Quite entertaining, pulsating song. Lotsa wahwah.
6. Hand of Doom

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