Bernd 04/03/2023 (Mon) 14:41 No.50060 del
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Finland had parliamentary election yesterday.

They had a left wing government of five parties in the last term.

The top three are the big winners in terms of seats:
Kokoomus / National Coalition Party - 48 seats
Perussuomalaiset / Finns Party - 46 seats
SPD/ Demars / Social Democrat Party - 43 seats
The next three are the greatest losers on the same terms:
Kesk / Centre Party - 23 seats, I heard they lik 4chan, libs, but closer to classic lib, Wikipee tells me they are agrarian too
Vasemmistoliitto / Left Alliance - 11 seats
Vihreät / Green Party - 13 seats
These gained the same amount of mandates:
Svenska folkpartiet / Swedish People's Party - 9 seats, these are libs
Kristillisdemokraatit (how fucking cute and adorable) / Christian Democrats - 5 seats
Liike Nyt / Movement Now - 1 seat, seems maybe classic liberal, litrelly one bloke

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