Bernd 07/24/2023 (Mon) 07:55 No.50735 del
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Listened Orbán's speech he delivered in Tusványos yesterday or the day before or something (I wrote this on Sunday while listening). This is a yearly thing, I think this is the 32nd occasion. The place is in Transylvania so he has to cross into Romania every time.
This year he got a directive from the Romanian government what he shouldn't talk about. He started with this list. Good banter, but I don't think I'm gonna put effor into translating it. Perhaps on popular request, hehe.
Instead let's take a look at the rest. Note, this isn't a literal translation, I condensed what he said but tried to preserve the tone. My thoughts are in spoilers.

Global politics.
He said there is a fast paced restructuring of global power. He talked about China, and the steps she takes, and the problem she represents which is needed to be solved.
China caught up with the West and takes over the US right now, and demands the first place, but the US guards that place jealously and doesn't want to allow that happen. US beat down the Soviet Union, and beat down the European Union too. The EU had the plan to raise the Euro next to the dollar, and dreamed that that a free common market will span from Lisbon to Vladivostok. The Euro did not get the place on the world market next to the dollar, and the free common market spans to Donetsk adjacent maximum. In 2010 to the world's GDP both the US and EU gave about 22-23%, but today the US is at 25% and the EU only at 17%. EU got sunk, the US pushed her down.
But the US domination in the global influence is shrinking. There is no eternal winners and losers in the global politics. Current processes favor Asia and China, in economy, technology, and military power. China creates her own global supporting structures, alliances, banks, development funding. China also laughs at the American "universal values" which are just tools in US rhetoric to assert dominance.
We are on a collision course, heading for a conflict. This is very likely a military conflict, but it is avoidable. He says the great powers should accept now that there are two Suns on the sky, they should acknowledge their equality. Have to create a new balance, but this work will take a generation. For now we'll live in this era of change and turbulence.