Bernd 09/06/2023 (Wed) 15:16 No.50994 del
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At the moment a characteristic of Hungarian politics is that new generation of voters grow up and they don't know anything else but Fidesz and Orbán being in power. And the youngsters often support opposition parties, liberal, green and such especially - since nationalism is demonized for them, they won't go for the radical right. They just can't imagine that socialists and liberals in power can be as much bad or even worse than Orbán and co. And as we going longer (Fidesz is in power till 2026 for sure) there will be more such young voters.
How they conceive their ideas about politics is heavily influenced by the chatter about politics ofc, both in mass media and the narrowcasts of social media. It's all about corruption and lies and theft. Who wants to seek a career on the field of politics? Riddled with crime and criminals?