Bernd 12/10/2023 (Sun) 20:01 No.51365 del
Orbán visited Argentine on the occasion of Milei their new President's inauguration. He met with Zelensky there, and chatted a bit. Can't know yet about what.
Milei is considered as a new "ally" in South America - after Bolsonaro fell in Brazil. If we view it from the glasses of the Western left-lib media, if we believe what they write, it looks weird because Milei is very pro-US, and pro-Ukraine, and news outlets such as Politico and CNN claiming Orbán is anti-US, Putin-pet, and should be kicked out of NATO because of Ukraine.
Milei is a right-wing-ish dude, the compare him to Trump and Bolsonaro. Liberal in the sense of classic liberalism, laissez-faire view on economy. We'll see what he can do with Argentina's economy.