Bernd 12/11/2023 (Mon) 17:09 No.51369 del
Now this is somewhat /tech/ but 100% politics. I did not find an article, I heard it on radio for the things. It was an Orbán interview, a week ago perhaps.
He was talking about - among the usual things, migrants, Ukraine, Brussels - the GDPR which should protect privacy of EU citizens, or regulate how this works at least. GDPR has it's shortcomings ofc (eg forces people to decide about cookies on websites which they have 0 idea about), but he sounded like rejecting it as a whole. He said it hurts Hungarian companies in the competition against non-EU companies. And how he said it, it heavily implied it hurts because they can't harvest and use information freely of their customers. Which also implies non-EU companies can. He did not imply that it hurts because they have to spend on data protection.
Now staying at the cookie example I see all kinds of non-EU (USian) sites throwing up the cookie warning, and accept/reject cookies, and whatnot the same as Euro/Hungarian ones. Some American sites I can't access normally, because they don't want to deal with this and simply block users from the EU.
This also means Orbán and Co. wants companies to harvest and use the data of their customers unchecked. They don't give a crap about data and privacy. Perhaps they even want to use it to create a surveillance/police state.
Thanks Orbán.