Bernd 01/29/2024 (Mon) 15:38 No.51587 del
At the same time the German farmer protests Romanian ones also went to the street. Now it seems Polish farmers are doing demonstrations, and Belgian too. I heard even French raised their voices, and apparently they did:
>condemning that the EU imports products that do not meet the same standards they are required to respect under EU legislation
The problem is that EU regulations make production cost within the EU high. Outside the EU is unregulated, so producing there is cheap. Imports of the EU rose last year drastically, basically foreign foodstuff replaces local. Corn from Brazil, grain from Ukraine, vegetables from Kenya, fruits from Morocco. What is the point banning pesticides within the EU claiming they are unhealthy and bad for environment when outside EU they can be used and then we buy the treated stuff and eat it...
Cowfarts are made #1 enemy of the climate in EU. So they suppress cattle husbandry within the EU. Now have to import beef from the outside. However EU produces/produces 10% of world, what they do is just shrink this, and pass the market to the rest of the world.
Another fun part is, that large agricultural corpos move out and set up production elsewhere. So the Moroccan fruit is actually in the hands of Spanish companies, the profit of Kenyan veggies belong to Dutch ones. Who really loses on the business? Small farms ofc.
So basically this is their problem.