Bernd 07/01/2024 (Mon) 07:54 No.52136 del
The snap election in France I mentioned here >>52055 is taking place now. The first round was yesterday. The parties compete for 577 seats - 289 is needed for majority.
The result of this first round:
33.15% Rassemblement National (National Rally) - Marine Le Pen's party
28.14% New Popular Front
21.27% Ensemble - Macron's party
6.57% The Republicans
3.66% various independent candidates
The rest doesn't really matters.
Marion Maréchal's party the Reconquéte got only 0.75%, their voters probably support the RN.
At the moment 76 candidates were elected directly, they got enough votes to secure their seats. Now in the rest of the constituencies they'll hold the second round, this Sunday, on the 7th. The top 2 (+1 eligible if any) candidates in each place will compete.
I highly suspect the RN will fall short from the 289 - and the rest, the socialists and the various liberals will create a large coalition to get the majority, and that's that.